Post Award Crisis Management
Breakout Session 7
Monday, January 13, 2025 |
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM |
Tidepool 4 |
Tidepool 4
With the current retention problems and high turnover rates in research administration contributing to higher than ever workloads, veteran RAs can often find themselves falling behind on their reconciliations or RAs will join a team and take over portfolios that have been long neglected and need in-depth clean-up. Post award crisis management and clean-up is very different from routine reconciling and requires a different approach than standard account maintenance. Learning Objectives: Attendees will learn tips and tricks for reviewing portfolios that have been unmanaged for a prolonged period of time. We will cover techniques to develop tools that can analyze data and determine what needs to be corrected in the context of the bigger picture. Attendees will learn where and how to gather information, how to document their clean up process, and discuss methods to prevent future issues.
Saira Valley
Valley Consulting Group, LLC
Post Award Crisis Management
Saira Valley is the Founder and Principal Consultant at Valley Consulting Group, LLC. With over 20 years of experience in Research administration, finance, compliance, strategic development, project management and education, she enjoys working with clients who have complex post award clean-up needs and those who require overhauls of their research processes and procedures. Saira enjoys volunteering and has served as co-chair for the 2024 NCURA Region 1 Spring Meeting, Co-Track leader for the PRA compliance track, member of the NCURA compliance collaborate group, member of NCURA Region 1 curriculum development committee and a frequent speaker at NCURA conferences.