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Conference Dates
The 2025 Annual Conference will begin on Sunday, January 12, 2025 and end on Tuesday January 14, 2025.

Registration Fee
The registration fee for the 2025 AOA Annual Conference is $725.00Your registration includes attendance at all general, super and concurrent sessions; breakfast and lunch on Monday and Tuesday, and dinner on Monday.

Conference attendees have the option of selecting a one day conference registration.  A one day registration includes attendance at all sessions and meals offered only on the day selected.

Payment of the applicable registration fee is due upon completion of your registration
.  Payment is by credit card only. 

Registration Deadline
The deadline for on line registration is 5:00 p.m., Wednesday, December 6, 2024.    Conference registration will re-open onsite beginning on Sunday, January 12, 2025.   The onsite conference registration fee will be $775.00.

Cancellation and Substitution Policy and Schedule
Cancellation requests must be received in writing by 5:00 p.m., on Wednesday, December 6, 2024.
Cancellation requests received by December 6, 2024 will be charged a refund processing fee of $50.00.
Cancellation requests received after December 6, 2024 will not be eligible for a refund.
Substitution requests received by December 6, 2024 will not be charged a substitution processing fee.
Substitution requests received after December 6, 2024 will be charged a substitution processing fee of $50.00.

